SMETA Foundation Workshop >
SMETA Foundation Workshop is to familiarise participants with the SMETA Best Practice Guidance, Measurement Criteria, Report and CAPR and to inform participants on how the Sedex/SMETA resources can support a SMETA audit.
Recently, many high profile multi-nationals have been implicated in scandals involving the use of child labour, discriminatory work practices or enforced labour within their supply chains. Consumer pressure, NGO scrutiny and the media, amongst others, are all placing business under the microscope in terms of the management of Social Accountability issues and CSR.
The most widely recognized global standard for managing human rights in the workplace is Social Accountability International’s SA 8000:2014. It is the first auditable standard, suitable for organizations of all sizes anywhere in the world, and provides a framework for assuring all of your stakeholders that social accountability is being stewarded by your management.