SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability

SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability

Ensure your workers are getting a fair deal.

Ensure your workers are getting a fair deal.

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SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability
SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability
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SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and investment analysts scrutinize organizations to assess that minimum standards are upheld in the workplace and ensure that workers are getting a fair deal.

What is SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability?

NGOs, investment analysts and other stakeholders, including your employees, are increasingly evaluating your organization’s commitment to ensuring a fair and equitable working environment and transparent business practices.

This climate means that your organization will be called upon more and more to demonstrate its social responsibility.

The most widely recognized global standard for managing human rights in the workplace is Social Accountability International’s SA 8000:2014. It is an auditable standard, suitable for organizations of all sizes anywhere in the world, and provides a framework for assuring all of your stakeholders that social accountability is being stewarded by your management.

What are the benefits?

  • Achieve best practice in ethical employment, trading and operations
  • Engage and motivate your employees with improved morale  
  • Introduce greater transparency to the way you run your business
  • Maintain existing business and attract new customers and investors
  • Gain recognition as an socially accountable organization

Social Accountability Training courses

We offer a range of SA 8000:2014 training courses designed to help you achieve one of the most widely recognised Social accountability management systems worldwide - giving employees clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability Introduction Training Course >

This is a 2 days training course on introduction of International Standard SA 8000:2014 on Social Accountability will be discussed during this training. The  objective of this course is to create awareness within the organization regarding basic requirements of the standard & impart working knowledge on how these requirements can be interpreted to suit the organization’s processes, products, people & customers.

2 days classroom based training course

SA 8000:2014 Social Accountability Internal Auditor training Course >

The objective of this course is to review the structure & basic requirements of SA 8000:2014 & enable the company employees to plan & conduct the internal audit to improve the effectiveness of SA 8000:2014 add value to the organization. It also helps people to get an opportunity to enhance their auditing skills & demonstrate compliance to the standard’s requirement.


2 days classroom based training Course