Cybersecurity services

BSI Digital Trust

Protect your information, people, and reputation

Protect your information, people, and reputation

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Woman in cybersecurity
Woman in cybersecurity
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Protecting your information, people and reputation

Protecting your information, people and reputation

Information resilience, a domain of organizational resilience, empowers organizations to safeguard its information – physical, digital and intellectual property – throughout its lifecycle from source to destruction. This requires the adoption of information security-minded practices that allow stakeholders to gather, store, access and use information securely and effectively.

Information resilience requires four key subdomains to be addressed with strategies, plans and actions.

  • Cybersecurity 
  • Information management and privacy
  • Security awareness and training
  • Compliance to requirements

Achieve the state of enhanced and sustainable Information Resilience through our four main integrated and woven sets of products and services: