What is EN 1090?
BS EN 1090 is a harmonized standard that covers structural/construction steel and aluminium products that are installed in a permanent manner. To learn more, watch our short video below:
Since July 2014, and UKCA marking from January 1st 2022, structural steelwork and aluminium fall under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), which means aluminium or structural steel CE/UKCA marking must be secured to show compliance with EN 1090-1 (the harmonised European standard that applies to structural metalwork).
This covers any structural component that has been designed and fabricated to meet the BS EN 1991 series of standards (Eurocode 3 and 9) for steel and aluminium structures in buildings. And you now need to show that they comply with BS EN 1090-1. As a Notified Body, we can help you to achieve this and with CE/UKCA marking steel or aluminium products.