Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) product certification

BSI is committed to helping PPE manufacturers meet and demonstrate their compliance with the relevant legislation.

With over forty years of unrivalled experience in the testing and certification of PPE products.  BSI are a notified body for many EU directives and with UKAS accreditation. 

Impact Protection

Head protection covers a wide range of products. This ranges from a basic impact helmet such as used by a pedal cyclist, to a sophisticated helmet with integrated respiratory and communications equipment.

Body Armour
When a product is called into action that saves limbs, vital organs and other body parts knowing that the product has been tested to conventional limits means everything. 

Respiratory, Hearing and Eye Protection

Respiratory equipment
(RPE) test for protection against smoke, dust to vapours and oxygen deficiency.

Hearing protection
BSI has a notified body status and can test earmuffs, earplugs, earmuffs with electrical audio input, level dependant earmuffs.

Eye protection
Testing for personal eye protection equipment, welding filters, mesh face screens, sunglasses & swimming goggles

Protective Clothing

BSI testing against combined risks, flame retardant and high visibility warning clothing. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) protection clothes.

Glove and Footwear
BSI test protective gloves for firefighters, chemicals & micro organisms, footwear for firefighters, safety & occupational footwear.