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Location profile
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Room 308

Tomson Commercial Building

No.710 Dongfang Road

Pudong New Area



Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number FM 559731 Standard/scheme number or name ISO 9001:2015 Start date 2010-07-16 Expiry date 2025-07-13
The design and development of application software for company management. Registration address: Room 43, Floor 6th, No. 29, 30, Nong 1775 Qiushan Road, Lingang New Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
企业管理应用软件的设计和开发。 注册地址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区秋山路1775弄29,30号6楼43室

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