Location profile

Location profile

Red Overlay
Location profile
Location profile
Red Overlay
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The development and supply of software products in: enterprise management, financial and operational management for government organizations and personal assistance, supply of software training and professional consultancy services

Software products for enterprise management, government organizations and personal assistance and supply of software training and professional

9th Floor


Duy Tan Street

Cau Giay District






024 3795 9595

024 3795 8088


Site photographs

Office 1

Office 1

Office 2

Office 2

Office 3

Office 3

Award Event

Award Event

Event 1

Event 1

Event 2

Event 2

Merit 1

Merit 1

Merit 2

Merit 2

Merit 3

Merit 3

Merit 4

Merit 4

Merit 5

Merit 5

Merit 6

Merit 6

Merit 7

Merit 7

Team Building 1

Team Building 1

Team Building 2

Team Building 2

Team Building 3

Team Building 3


Verified locations