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Enter Company name or certificate number. Results limited to 50 records.

Shenzhen Branch

Heyuan Internet Data Center

Alibaba Cloud Data Center

Danshagang, Puqian Town

Yuancheng District




Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number IS 717752 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 27001:2013/GB/T 22080-2016 Start date 2016-10-17 Expiry date 2025-10-16
The provision of Internet data center services, including Hosting Services, Internet Access Services, IT managed Services (including cloud infrastructure technical services).
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number ITMS 717754 Standard/scheme number or name ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 Start date 2016-09-29 Expiry date 2025-09-28
The provision of Internet data center services, including Hosting Services, Internet Access Services, IT managed Services (including cloud infrastructure technical services).

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