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Location profile
Location profile
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No. 3 Factory Building

No. 1288, Ping'an Road

Zhuanmeng Industrial Park

Xinzhuang Industrial Park, Minhang



Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number EMS 511430 Standard/scheme number or name ISO 14001:2015 Start date 2006-12-31 Expiry date 2024-10-13
The management activities of office. Registered Address?No. 3 & 4 Factory Building No. 1288, Ping'an Road Zhuanmeng Industrial Park Xinzhuang Industrial Park, Minhang Shanghai ,China
办公管理活动。 注册地址:中国上海闵行区莘庄工业区颛蒙工业小区瓶安路1288号3号4号厂房

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