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ISO 14067:2018

Global Card Systems Company Limited
10th Floor, Building 1
No. 18, Futian Road
Xiangzhou District

Certificate number PCFV 777202-0
自我声明碳中和报告 Self-declared Carbon Neutral Report 报告单位:珠海全球时代科技有限公司 Global Card Systems Company Limited 二〇二二年十一月二十三日 2022-11-23   1. 关于GCS About GCS 全球时代始创于2011年,是全球领先的旅居行业产品及服务提供商。我们致力于构建全球领先的智慧旅居生态平台,通过提供一系列酒店环保产品和酒店低碳解决方案,帮助酒店行业实现低碳环保可持续发展诉求 Founded in 2011, GCS is a world leading hotel product and service provider in the hospitality and travel industry. GCS is headquartered in Zhuhai, China and has a network of over 20 subsidiaries across the globe such as in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong of China and Singapore, US, Australia, the UAE, etc. GCS’ business has reached over 125 countries and 100,000 hotels. We’re making efforts to build a smart ecosystem for the industry. At the same time we respond actively to the global trend of eco- friendliness by providing eco- friendly hotel key cards, pens and other hotel supplies to our hotel clients. By continuous technological and product innovation, we hope to make the industry become more and more sustainable and do our part for our planet to become greener and cleaner. 2. 碳中和计划 Carbon Neutral Plan 2.1. 碳中和标的物 Carbon Neutral Subjects 2.1.1. 碳中和标的物的选定 Selection of carbon-neutral subjects 根据PAS 2060有关碳中和标的物设定的要求,碳中和标的物为: In accordance with the requirements of PAS 2060 for the setting of carbon neutral targets, the carbon neutral targets are: 序号 Ref 标的物 carbon-neutral subjects 数量 Quantity (pcs) 标的物时间 Duration 标的物单位排放量 carbon footprint with the functional unit (kg CO2e/pcs) 标的物总排放量 Subjects emission totally (t CO2e) 1 木质房卡 Wooden Key Cards 2,570,343 2022-1-1to 2022-6-30 0.0309 79.42 2 竹制房卡 Bamboo Key Cards 231,660 2022-1-1to 2022-6-30 0.033 7.64 合计 (Total)       87.07  功能单位为一张的木制房卡,其产品碳足迹是0.0309千克二氧化碳当量;The product carbon footprint with the functional unit of a piece of Wooden Key Cards, is 0.0309 kg of CO2 equivalent.  功能单位为一张的竹制房卡,其产品碳足迹是0.0330千克二氧化碳当量。The product carbon footprint with the functional unit of a piece of Bamboo Key Cards, is 0.0330 kg of CO2 equivalent. 2.1.2. 碳中和标的物的变更 carbon neutral and change of subject matter 标的物已选定,且处在第一申请期,不存在碳中和标的物发生变化的情况。以后的申请期间,若碳中和标的物发生实质性变化,则应重新启动碳中和项目,重新界定主题、量化碳足迹、制定碳管理计划,减排并抵消经盘查的温室气体排放。 The carbon neutral subject has been selected and is in the first application period and there are no changes to the carbon neutral subject matter. In subsequent application periods, if there is a material change in the carbon neutral target, the carbon neutral project should be restarted to redefine the subject matter, quantify the carbon footprint, develop a carbon management plan, and reduce and offset the inventoried greenhouse gas emissions. 2.1.3. 碳中和时间设定 本项目的第一执行期间(基线期间)设定为2022年1月1日至2022年6月30日,达成碳中和的时间为2022年11月30日。 The first implementation period (baseline period) for this project is set from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022, with carbon neutrality being reached by 30 November 2022. 2.2. 碳中和标准与执行方式 Carbon Neutral Standards and Implementation Approach 本碳中和项目选择PAS 2060:2014作为标准依据。 第一执行期间的碳中和达成方式为:购买中国核证自愿减排量(CCER),完全抵消第一执行期间内各项节能减排措施实现碳减排之后的剩余温室气体数量。 基准日:2022年1月1日-2022年6月30日 达成日:2022年11月30日 PAS 2060:2014 was chosen as the standard for this carbon neutral project. The carbon neutral approach for the first implementation period is to purchase China Certified Voluntary Emission Reductions (CCERs) to fully offset the amount of GHG remaining after the carbon reductions achieved by the energy efficiency and emission reduction measures during the first implementation period. Baseline date: 1 January 2022 - 30 June 2022 Achievement date: 30 November 2022 3. 碳中和标的选定及排放量化方法 Carbon Neutral Specimen Selection and Emission Methodology 根据PAS 2060:2014附录C,选择ISO 14067:2018作为本课题范围内量化排放的方法论。 Based on PAS 2060:2014 Appendix C, ISO 14067:2018 was selected as the methodological approach for quantifying emissions within the scope of the subject. 序号 Ref 标的物 carbon-neutral subjects 数量 Quantity (pcs) 标的物时间 Duration 标的物单位排放量 carbon footprint with the functional unit (kg CO2e/pcs) 标的物总排放量 Subjects emission totally (t CO2e) 1 木质房卡 Wooden Key Cards 2,570,343 2022-1-1to 2022-6-30 0.0309 79.42 2 竹制房卡 Bamboo Key Cards 231,660 2022-1-1to 2022-6-30 0.0330 7.64 合计 (Total) 87.07 4. 碳抵消 Carbon offset credits 4.1. 碳抵消说明 Description of carbon offsets 珠海全球时代科技有限公司,2022年1月至6月,碳中和标的范围内的温室气体实际排放量将全部使用符合PAS 2060的减排量进行抵消。 本次抵消使用了清洁发展机制(CDM)注册减排项目所产生的减排量CER。CER单位以“吨二氧化碳当量(tCO2e)”计。 清洁发展机制(CDM)采取备案管理。参与减排交易的项目,联合国执行理事会备案和登记,项目产生的减排量在各国主管部门备案和登记,并经由CDM执行理事会注册登记系统账户内进行注销。 Global Card Systems Company Limited., from January to June 2022, the actual greenhouse gas emissions within the scope of the carbon neutral target will be fully offset using emission reductions in accordance with PAS 2060. The offsets use CERs from CDM registered emission reduction projects, which are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is managed on a record basis. Projects participating in emissions reduction transactions are recorded and registered by the UN Executive Board, and the emission reductions generated by the project are recorded and registered with the national authorities and cancelled through the CDM Executive Board's registration system account. 4.2. 碳抵消额度来源 Sources of carbon offset credits 用于标的物碳中和的碳抵消额度来自“Yunnan Province Yao’an County Meijiashan Wind Farm Project”。 项目位于云南省姚安县梅家山,项目减排量已通过CDM执行理事会注册登记簿系统的登记。 项目可以通过“联合国CDM执行理事会网站”查询,具体网址为: The carbon offsets used for carbon neutralization of the subject property are from " Yunnan Province Yao’an County Meijiashan Wind Farm Project ". The project is located in Yunnan Province Yao’an County Meijiashan and the project emission reductions have been registered in the CDM Executive Board's registry system. The project can be accessed through the UN CDM Executive Board website at 4.2.1. 碳抵消额度的采购量 Procurement of carbon offset credits 珠海全球时代科技有限公司于2022年11月30日通过环保桥(上海)环境技术有限公司采购Yunnan Province Yao’an County Meijiashan Wind Farm Project,用以全部抵消其碳中和标的范围的排放。碳抵消额度的签发、转移和注销均在“清洁发展机制交易注册登记系统”完成,湖北亿纬动力有限公司在该平台未建立账号,所以碳抵消操作由环保桥(上海)环境技术有限公司代为实施。 Global Card Systems Company Limited., purchased Yunnan Province Yao’an County Meijiashan Wind Farm Project through Climate Bridge (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. on 30-11-2022 to fully offset the emissions of its carbon neutral target range. The issuance, transfer and cancellation of carbon offset credits are done through the CDM Registration System. 4.2.2. 碳抵消额度的注销说明 Instructions for the cancellation of carbon offset credits 环保桥(上海)环境技术有限公司于2022年11月30日日在CDM执行理事会交易登记系统注销100 tCERs,用于抵消珠海全球时代科技有限公司2022年1月1日-2022年6月30日期间碳中和标的范围的排放,具体注销结果如下: Climate Bridge (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. cancelled 100 tCERs in the CDM Executive Board trading registration system on 30-11-2022 for offsetting the emissions of Zhuhai Global Times Technology Co., Ltd. for the period of 1 January 2022 - 33 June 2021 for the carbon neutral subject range, as shown below. CERs注销信息如所示: CERs cancellation information is shown as follows: 表5 1CCER抵消详细信息 CCER Offset Details 项目 Item 描述 Description 注销数量 Quantity written 100吨 100 t 注销账户ID Cancellation account ID DE121-5023807-0-13 注销日期 Date of cancellation 30-11-2022 注销理由 Reason for cancellation On behalf of global card systems company limited to offset the carbon footprint of the product CDM项目名称 CDM project name Yunnan Province Yao’an County Meijiashan Wind Farm Project CDM项目编号 CDM project number 6462 CDM项目类型 CDM project type Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources 项目所属国家 Country of project China   5. 碳中和达成宣告 Carbon Neutrality Declaration 5.1. 碳中和达成声明 Carbon Neutrality Statement 珠海全球时代科技有限公司依据PAS 2060:2014规范,于2022年11月21日通过购买、注销清洁发展机制注册减排量(CERs)对珠海全球时代科技有限公司2022年1月1日-2022年6月30日期间,碳中和标的内排放实施碳抵消,达成碳中和。 In accordance with PAS 2060:2014, Global Card Systems Company Limited., has achieved carbon neutrality through the purchase and cancellation of Clean Development Mechanism registered emission reductions (CERs) on 21 November 2022 for the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022 for the carbon neutral emissions within the subject of Global Card Systems Company Limited.
Original registration date Effective date Last revision date Expiry date
Original registration date 2022-10-12 Effective date 2022-10-12 Last revision date 2022-10-12 Expiry date 2024-10-11

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