Our certification scheme is strategically developed to showcase the compliance of products with the UK's Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and Byelaws. This ensures a reliable product supply that consistently meets high-quality standards, effectively preventing contamination and minimizing water waste.
Through our meticulous testing process, we assure that water-fitting products meet the required standards and guidelines. Rest assured; they are deemed safe for use in contact with drinking water, prioritizing your end consumers' health and well-being.
Top-level overview of testing areas includes rigorous assessments in pressure testing, temperature testing, flow rate testing, backflow prevention testing, durability testing, corrosion resistance testing, and chemical resistance testing. Each of these areas is carefully examined to guarantee that your fittings meet the required standards and are capable of withstanding demanding conditions. With our thorough testing approach, you can have confidence in the reliability and longevity of your water fittings.
Obtaining product certification offers growth opportunities, showcasing your commitment to high-quality, safe, and compliant products. It enables entry into new markets, expands the customer base, and creates market differentiations.