This term is part of the following categories: Safety and Activity / Process.
Version: 5.0, Release date: April 2023
Definition: Tactical or operational manoeuvre triggered and executed by the driving automation system or the human driver to achieve the minimal risk condition.
NOTE 1 Michon (1985) defines operational driving functions as those delivered over a time constant of milliseconds and include tasks such as steering inputs to keep within a lane or braking to avoid an ermgering hazard; tactical driving functions are those delivered over a time constant of seconds and include tasks such as lane choice, gap acceptance and overtaking.
NOTE 2 The form of the MRM will be highly dependent on (and must be within) the operational design domain of the automated vehicle; for example, the MRM performed by a vehicle performing automated driving at freeflow speed on a highway may be very different to that performed by a low speed automated shuttle operating in an urban environment. A remotely operated vehicle dependent on external communication will trigger the MRM if the communication link degrades below a minimum acceptable level of performance.
NOTE 3 This definition includes actions taken by a remote driver to bring a vehicle to the minimal risk condition.
Previous versions:
Version: 4.0, Release date: March 2022
Definition: tactical or operational manoeuvre triggered and executed by the automated driving system or the human driver to achieve the minimal risk condition.
NOTE 1 Michon (1985) defines operational driving functions as those delivered over a time constant of milliseconds and include tasks such as steering inputs to keep within a lane or braking to avoid an emerging hazard; tactical driving functions are those delivered over a time constant of seconds and include tasks such as lane choice, gap acceptance and overtaking.
NOTE 2 The form of the MRM is highly dependent on (and needs to be within) the operational design domain of the automated vehicle, e.g. the MRM performed by a vehicle performing automated driving at freeflow speed on a highway might be very different to that performed by a low speed automated shuttle operating in an urban environment.
Version: 3.0, Release date: October 2020
Definition: Tactical or operational manoeuvre triggered and executed by the automated driving system or the human driver to achieve the minimal risk condition.
NOTE 1: Michon (1985) defines operational driving functions as those delivered over a time constant of milliseconds and include tasks such as steering inputs to keep within a lane or braking to avoid an emerging hazard; tactical driving functions are those delivered over a time constant of seconds and include tasks such as lane choice, gap acceptance and overtaking.
NOTE 2: The form of the MRM will be highly dependent on (and should be within) the operational design domain of the automated vehicle; for example, the MRM performed by a vehicle performing automated driving at free flow speed on a highway may be very different to that performed by a low speed automated shuttle operating in an urban environment.
Version: 2.0, Release date: June 2020
Definition: Tactical or operational manoeuvre triggered and executed by the automated driving system or the human driver to achieve the minimal risk condition.
NOTE: Tactical and operational manoeuvres are described in Michon (1985) and refer to driving task performance carried out over seconds (tactical) or milliseconds (operational).