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Enter Company name or certificate number. Results limited to 50 records.

Vesturhrauni 1

210 Garðabær


Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number FM 592299 Standard/scheme number or name ISO 9001:2015 Start date 2014-06-02 Expiry date 2026-06-01
Sales, services, installation, maintenance and construction in the field of metal and mechanical industry. Sala, þjónusta, uppsetning, viðhald og nýsmíði á sviði vél- og málmiðnaðar.
Certificate/license number Standard/scheme number or name Start date Expiry date
Certificate/license number EQ 765837 Standard/scheme number or name IST 85:2012 Start date 2023-02-10 Expiry date 2026-02-09
The Equal Pay management system at Stálsmiðjan-Framtak ehf., including all employees.

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