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    Contact us

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    Global Offices >


    Jakarta Office

    Phone: +62 21 509 67619

    Talavera Office Suite 20th Floor, Suite #01-06
    Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 22-26
    Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan,
    DKI Jakarta 12430

    Surabaya Office

    Phone: +62 31 6000 5091

    Graha Pena Building 8th Floor, Suite 803
    Jl. Ahmad Yani 88
    Surabaya 60234

    Palembang Office

    Phone: +62 711 5704 799

    My Office, Graha Edukasi 3rd Floor,
    Jl. MP Mangkunegara No.05
    Bukit Sangkal, Kalidoni, Palembang,
    Sumatera Selatan 30119

    Customer feedback policy and procedure

    Whilst every effort is taken to meet the high standards expected of us, sometimes things can still go wrong. When this occurs we need to be informed so that we can put things right and prevent further shortcomings in the future.

    Give us your feedback >