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You are too busy to keep manually checking for updates, sifting through paper references, or comparing standards between countries. So let our subscription services help out. They will alert you of updates and changes, and put the information you need at your fingertips, when you need it.
British Standards Online gives you access to every British Standard, instantly. That is 55,000 standards, available to you 24/7. You will also receive email alerts when standards are updated, letting you know what is changed and when.
The Eurocodes have meant a huge change in construction standards, and many organisations are not adequately prepared. BSI Eurocodes PLUS dramatically reduces design time, and explains the relationships between the withdrawn standards and the Eurocodes.
Perinorm is a bibliographic database of national, European and international standards from more than 200 organisations in 23 countries, a total of more than 1,400,000 records. It allows you to quickly identify international equivalents to standards used in your products.