A human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment

For the first time, the right to a ‘clean, healthy and sustainable environment’ isn’t just a nice thought, it’s a basic human right. The UN has even declared it a ‘turning point for humanity’.

On 28 July this year, the United Nations General Assembly passed the historic resolution. Similar actions, such as the recognition of the right to water sanitation in 2010, provided impetus for a range of positive law and policy change. It is hoped that this latest resolution will provide the spark for more ambitious action on climate change and environmental justice.

It is hoped that recognizing the right to a healthy environment will lead to constitutional and legislative improvements that could help improve air quality, access to safe and sufficient water, healthy soil and a reduction in the damaging effects of climate change.

This strengthening of legal frameworks should contribute to meaningful changes in environment quality that improve the lives of billions of people.