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The NCSC Certified Training course, ICS Managers Security Course, which is also CIISec accredited training, has been designed to provide those at Managerial level (or equivalent) with an understanding of today’s cyber security challenges facing their environments. This knowledge is vital when managing the day to day running of all aspects of security risk for those environments.
The course will show how to best identify and support their organisations’ cyber security and risk mitigation/reduction strategies for their ICS environments.
This course has been accredited under the NCSC Certified Training scheme and the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) Accredited Training scheme. Attendees can earn 4 CPE credits.
Part 1: Background (what is an ICS, what are the threats and vulnerabilities)
Part 2: Securing ICS (what can be done to secure an ICS)
By the end of the course, you will be familiar with:
If you are a manager responsible or accountable for any ICS environment and/or people working on securing these systems including:
…then this course is for you.
It provides a high-level understanding of what the current cyber security risks are and the threats your ICS environments face. In addition, it discusses how to forward plan to help mitigate and reduce these risks.
Reach out and see how we can help guide you on your path to sustainable operational success.