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Results for 'Certificate Number (123456): KM 812482'
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    • Model number:
    • Minimizing risk of developing antibiotic resistance and aquatic ecotoxicity in the environment resulting from the manufacturing of human antibiotics ? Issued 14th June 2022
    • Certificate/LicenseNumber: KM 812482
    • Number of sites certified to this certificate: 1
    • Standard/Scheme number or name: Antibiotic Manufacturing Standard
    View Certificate

    • Model number:
    • Minimizing risk of developing antibiotic resistance and aquatic ecotoxicity in the environment resulting from the manufacturing of human antibiotics ? Issued 14th June 2022
    • Certificate/LicenseNumber: KM 812482
    • Number of sites certified to this certificate: 1
    • Standard/Scheme number or name: Antibiotic Manufacturing Standard
    View Certificate

    • Model number:
    • Minimizing risk of developing antibiotic resistance and aquatic ecotoxicity in the environment resulting from the manufacturing of human antibiotics ? Issued 14th June 2022
    • Certificate/LicenseNumber: KM 812482
    • Number of sites certified to this certificate: 1
    • Standard/Scheme number or name: Antibiotic Manufacturing Standard
    View Certificate

    • Model number:
    • Minimizing risk of developing antibiotic resistance and aquatic ecotoxicity in the environment resulting from the manufacturing of human antibiotics ? Issued 14th June 2022
    • Certificate/LicenseNumber: KM 812482
    • Number of sites certified to this certificate: 1
    • Standard/Scheme number or name: Antibiotic Manufacturing Standard
    View Certificate
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    • Location: West Sussex,United Kingdom
    • Number of Certificates held at location: 7
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