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    Myung Sung Food Co., Ltd.

    Business scope: The manufacture of vacuum frying products and half-dried products.

    Products, services or works: Manufacture of vacuum frying products and half-dried products

    BSI logo


    95-7, Menari-gil,

    Verification date: 43476

    Phone: 82-31-536-7766
    Fax: 82-31-535-7800

    • Certificate/Licence number Standard/Scheme number or name Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
      FSSC 700677 FSSC 22000 v6 2018-12-20 2027-12-19

      The manufacture (frying and blanching (optional)) of MAP-packed snack products and semi-dried (drying, baking, and pasteurizing) vegetable products. Food Chain Subcategory: CIV - Processing of Ambient Stable Products

    • Main entrance & office building
      Main entrance & office building
      Main building
      Main building
      Production building
      Production building
      Sanitary room1
      Sanitary room1
      Sanitary room2
      Sanitary room2
      Internal corridor
      Internal corridor
      Dry room
      Dry room
      Frying room
      Frying room
      Oven room
      Oven room
      Sorting room
      Sorting room
      Inner packaging room
      Inner packaging room
      Outer packing area
      Outer packing area
      Low-temperature warehouse
      Low-temperature warehouse
      Endproducts warehouse
      Endproducts warehouse
      Quality control Lab_inside
      Quality control Lab_inside
    • Corporate Video
    • Years of operation
      Years range: 10 - 15 yrs
      Number of years in operation: 10 years Date of business of registration : 2008.08.28

      Type of ownership

      Annual turnover
      Not to disclose

      Business license or equivalent official document
      Tax registration
      • Tax Clearance Certificate Tax Clearance Certificate issuance number: 4614-823-4945-152; This certification is valid until January 07, 2019.
        2. Tax Clearance Certificate.pdf
      Import/Export licence
      Credit report
      Occupational health and safety
      • 1
      Quality management system
      • ISO / FSSC 22000 (Food industry) FSSC22000v4.1 1. Name of the certification body : BSI 2. Certificate number : FSSC700677 3. Expiry date : 2021.12.19
        5-2. FSSC22000 Certificate.pdf
      • Number of audits/year: 1 audit in the last 12 months. The last Audit date : 2018. 11.19 ((FSSC22000v4.1) 1. FSSC22000v4.1 The last Audit date : 2018. 11.19
      Other relevant industry standard/system
      • HACCP HACCP(Confectionery products) 1. Name of the certification body : The Director of Korea Institute for Food Safety Management Accreditation 2. Certificate number : 2010-255 3. Expiry date : 2020.05.09
        5-4. HACCP CERTIFICATE (Confectionery products).pdf
      • HACCP HACCP(Processed potato products) 1. Name of the certification body : The Director of Korea Institute for Food Safety Management Accreditation 2. Certificate number : 2013-604 3. Expiry date : 2020.05.09
        5-5. HACCP CERTIFICATE (Processed potato products).pdf
      • HACCP HACCP(Processed fruit-vegetable products) 1. Name of the certification body : The Director of Korea Institute for Food Safety Management Accreditation 2. Certificate number : 2014-1369 3. Expiry date : 2020.05.09
        5-6. HACCP CERTIFICATE (Processed fruit-vegetable products).pdf
      • HACCP HACCP(Processed seafood products) 1. Name of the certification body : The Director of Korea Institute for Food Safety Management Accreditation 2. Certificate number : 2017-1-9155 3. Expiry date : 2020.08.23
        5-7. HACCP CERTIFICATE (Processed seafood products).pdf
      • Other relevant industry standards (please specify) HALAL PRODUCT CERTIFICATE(Chungjungwon Sweet Potato Chew) 1. Name of the certification body : KOREA MUSLIM FEDERATION 2. Certificate number : KMFHC18-045(5) 3. Expiry date : 2019.07.03
      • Other relevant industry standards (please specify) Patent certificate(Semi-dry Sweet potato manufacturing method) 1. Name of the certification body : Korean Intellectual Property Office 2. Certificate number : 10-2014-0022321 3. Expiry date : 2034.02.26
        5-8. Patent for roasted sweet potatoes1.pdf
      • Other relevant industry standards (please specify) Patent certificate(Roasted sweet potato manufacture device and method) 1. Name of the certification body : Korean Intellectual Property Office 2. Certificate number : 10-1192703 3. Expiry date : 2029.12.09
        5-9. Patent for roasted sweet potatoes2.pdf
      • Other relevant industry standards (please specify) PL insurance certificate (PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATION LIABILITY MUTUAL INSSURANCE DECLARATION) 1. Name of the certification body : The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry 2. Certificate number : 201811-056 3. Expiry date : 2019.11.14
        5-11. Product liability insurance.pdf
    • Total employees:
      < 51

      Total Number of Employees : 35

      Permanent employees:

      Part time employees:

      Temporary employees:

      Migrant employees:
      Country / region Employees from country / region
      Bangladesh 6
      People's Republic of China 1

      Production staff:

      QA/QC staff:

      Service staff employees:

    • Facilities on site(eg: office space, warehouse) Size of facilities (m2)
      Office area 162.9
      Production area 1600.83
      Warehouse area 1823
      Other area 213.01
      Sole use of site and buildings
      Shared site & Sole use of its own buildings
    • ㈜명성식품
      메나리길 95-7
    • Key export country / region Percentage of sales
      Not to disclose Not to disclose
    • Key sourcing country / region Percentage of purchases
      Indonesia Not to disclose
      Korea Not to disclose
      Malaysia Not to disclose
      Vietnam Not to disclose
    • Site Name Site Address Certificate/License number Standard/Scheme number or name