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    China Steel Machinery Corporation

    Business scope: Manufacturing iron and steel making equipment, rolling stock, wind turbine tower, vertical automatic coil storage system(VACSS), off-shore oil rig equipment, material handling equipment, EOT crane & lifting system,petrochemical and power plant equipment, armored vehicle for Ministry of National Defense, variou casting product.

    Products, services or works: Manufacturing iron and steel making equipment, rolling stock, wind turbine tower, vertical automatic coil storage system(VACSS), off-shore oil rig equipment, material handling equipment, EOT crane & lifting system,petrochemical and power plant equipment, armored vehicle for Ministry of National Defense, variou casting product.

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    No.3 Tai-Chi Road
    Tai-Chi Road
    Hsiao Kang

    Verification date: 43337

    Phone: 886-7-802 0111
    Fax: 886-7-802 2613

    • Certificate/Licence number Standard/Scheme number or name Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
      OHS 86029 ISO 45001:2018 2020-07-27 2027-08-24

      The manufacture, installation and repairing of machinery.

      Certificate/Licence number Standard/Scheme number or name Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Expiry Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
      ENMS 595772 ISO 50001:2018 2013-05-17 2025-05-16

      The manufacture, installation and repairing of machinery. The main energy uses include: -diesel use for transportation, fork lifter, and handling and manufacture process -natural gas use for boiler and manufacture process -electricity use for air- conditioning, compressor and manufacture process -liquid propane gas use for manufacture process

    • 公司主要入口 / Main entrances
      公司主要入口 / Main entrances
      公司鳥瞰照片 / CSMS factory aerial
      公司鳥瞰照片 / CSMS factory aerial
      週波爐生產作業 / Induction fumace operation
      週波爐生產作業 / Induction fumace operation
      電弧爐生產作業 / Electric arc furnace operation
      電弧爐生產作業 / Electric arc furnace operation
      120噸退火爐 / 120 T annealing furnace
      120噸退火爐 / 120 T annealing furnace
      CNC 火焰切割機 / CNC Flame Cutting Machine
      CNC 火焰切割機 / CNC Flame Cutting Machine
      自動焊機 / Automatic Arc Welder
      自動焊機 / Automatic Arc Welder
      1000T油壓整型壓床 / 1000T Hydraulic Straightening  Machine
      1000T油壓整型壓床 / 1000T Hydraulic Straightening Machine
      油壓剪床 / Hydraulic Shearing Machine
      油壓剪床 / Hydraulic Shearing Machine
      1,500T油壓壓床 / 1,500T Hydraulic Pressing Machine
      1,500T油壓壓床 / 1,500T Hydraulic Pressing Machine
      500T油壓折床 / 500T Hydraulic Bending Machine
      500T油壓折床 / 500T Hydraulic Bending Machine
      三軸捲板機 / Bending Roller with 3 rollers
      三軸捲板機 / Bending Roller with 3 rollers
      四軸捲板機 / Bending Roller with 4 rollers
      四軸捲板機 / Bending Roller with 4 rollers
      CNC龍門銑床 / CNC Plano Milling Machine
      CNC龍門銑床 / CNC Plano Milling Machine
      臥式車床 / Horizontal Lathe
      臥式車床 / Horizontal Lathe
      CNC龍門銑床 / CNC Plano Milling Machine
      CNC龍門銑床 / CNC Plano Milling Machine
      五軸加工機 / 5-Axis  Machine Center
      五軸加工機 / 5-Axis Machine Center
      酸洗區 / Pickling Treatment Area
      酸洗區 / Pickling Treatment Area
      矯直區 / Straightening Area
      矯直區 / Straightening Area
      四極銲機 / Quadruplicate Welder
      四極銲機 / Quadruplicate Welder
      600KW電熱爐 / 600KW Electrical Annealing Furnace
      600KW電熱爐 / 600KW Electrical Annealing Furnace
      鋼鐵廠設備 / Iron and Steel Making
      鋼鐵廠設備 / Iron and Steel Making
      碼頭輸送設備 / Wharf Material Handling System
      碼頭輸送設備 / Wharf Material Handling System
      天車與起重設備 / EOT Crane & Lifting System
      天車與起重設備 / EOT Crane & Lifting System
      輸送帶設備 / Conveyor System
      輸送帶設備 / Conveyor System
      電廠設備 / Power Plant
      電廠設備 / Power Plant
      風力發電 / Wind Power
      風力發電 / Wind Power
      軌道車輛工程 / Rolling Stock
      軌道車輛工程 / Rolling Stock
      轉向架框 / Bogie Frame
      轉向架框 / Bogie Frame
    • Years of operation
      Years range: 15 - 20 yrs

      Type of ownership

      Annual turnover
      About 200 million (USD)

      Tax registration
      Occupational health and safety
      • OHSAS 18001
      • Other relevant industry standard or registered membership of an accepted Safety Scheme (please specify)
      • Other relevant industry standard or registered membership of an accepted Safety Scheme (please specify)
      Quality management system
    • Total employees:
      501 - 1,000

      Total Number of Employees : 605

      Permanent employees:

      Temporary employees:

      Production staff:

      QA/QC staff:

      Service staff employees:

    • Facilities on site(eg: office space, warehouse) Size of facilities (m2)
      Office area 1114.74
      Production area 193215
      Warehouse area -
      Other area -
      Sole use of site and buildings
      Sole use of whole site
    • 中鋼機械股份有限公司
      3 號 台機路
    • Key export country / region Percentage of sales
      Not to disclose Not to disclose
    • Key sourcing country / region Percentage of purchases
      Not to disclose Not to disclose
    • Site Name Site Address Certificate/License number Standard/Scheme number or name