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ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Aiplux Technology Co., Ltd.
No. 420, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd.
Xinyi Dist.
BSI logo

Certificate Number: IS 799020
Scope: The provision of operation and maintenance of INnovation intellectual-Property intangible Asset automation System (INPAS), and related supporting activities within Research and Development Department and Product and Marketing Department. This is in accordance with the Statement of Applicability, INPAS-IS-02-01-V1.0, version 1.0 dated 2 May 2023.
產品部及研發部提供創意智財無形資產AI生成平台之操作與維護,以及相關支援活動。 依據適用性聲明書,編號:INPAS-IS-02-01-V1.0,版本:1.0,發行日期:2023年5月2日

Original Registration Date Effective Date Last Revision Date Expiry Date
2024-01-18 2024-01-18 2024-01-18 2025-10-31