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This ISO 14001 lead auditor course helps you develop the skills required to carry out a full environmental management system (EMS) audit.
Over 40 hours of directed study we will be your partner in learning, guiding you through every step in the auditing process from initiation to follow-up, in accordance with existing international management system auditing guidelines, ISO 19011:2018. With support from our expert tutors, you will learn how to effectively plan, conduct, report and follow-up a management system audit to ISO 14001:2015 standard.
Based on the latest techniques, the ISO 14001 lead auditor course helps you to explain the purpose of an audit to key stakeholders. On successful course attendance, and completion of an IRCA examination, you will leave with a CQI and IRCA certified training course certificate.
CQI and IRCA course reference number: 17903.
You should have a good knowledge of ISO 14001 and the key principles of an EMS. If not, we strongly recommend you attend our ISO 14001:2015 Requirements course first. It will also help if you have attended an internal or lead auditor course or have experience with conducting internal or supplier audits.
This course is certified by CQI and IRCA (the Chartered Quality Institute and the International Register of Certificated Auditors) and meets the training requirements for CQI and IRCA Environmental Management Systems Auditor Certification.
Due to changes announced by CQI and IRCA we must make you aware that:
In order to accurately record the delegates that they are certifying, CQI and IRCA now require that we provide them with your contact details (name, surname and email address).
We have been assured by CQI and IRCA that delegate data will be handled and stored confidentially and securely, and that any marketing communications between CQI and IRCA and you will be limited to the promotion of CQI and IRCA and their qualifications programmes, and that this will be strictly on an opt-in basis.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please do not hesitate to contact the BSI training team on +44 345 086 9000.
Reach out and see how we can help guide you on your path to sustainable operational success.