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  • Webinar
    Digital Trust

The Spotlight on Cybersecurity Risks

We explore challenges spanning various sectors and uncover how the application of best practice frameworks can fortify digital trust.

Effective cybersecurity and digital trust

Discover how a foundation of effective cybersecurity and heightened digital trust is pivotal in propelling us towards a sustainable world.

  • Gain insights into bolstering your cyber resilience.

  • Discover from cybersecurity experts on navigating present and future risks.

  • Understand the role of consensus-led standards in enhancing digital trust.

  • Elevate your understanding of challenges across sectors and solutions.



Andrew Rose, Resident CISO, EMEA, Proofpoint


Olu Odeniyi, Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation Advisor


Tim McGarr, AI Market Development Lead, BSI

Lee Whatford, CISO, Domino’s UK & Ireland

Contact Us

Partner with us and embrace consensus-led standards

Fuel sustainability through strong cybersecurity and digital trust.

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