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IVDR Companion Diagnostics (CDx) Update - Two biologists in a laboratory
  • Webinar
    Medical Devices

IVDR Companion Diagnostics (CDx) Update

CDx is a category of IVD devices, used to aid in the assessment of patients for whom a specific drug therapy is being considered.

In this Webinar:

  • Classification.

  • Technical Documentation best practise.

  • Performance Evaluation best practise and common pitfalls.

  • EMA consultation process.

IVDR Companion Diagnostics Update

This webinar will update attendees on the latest BSI knowledge and best practise with regards to IVDR Companion Diagnostic conformity assessment.

Dr Elizabeth Harrison, Global Head of IVD Medical Devices, BSI

Elizabeth Linch, Technical Specialist and Scheme Manager, IVD, BSI

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