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    Training tackling menstruation, menstrual health and menopause launches

    Free training launches to strengthen organizations’ ability to effectively support employees experiencing menstruation, menstrual health and menopause

    25 April 2024: Free training to strengthen organizations’ ability to effectively support employees experiencing menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace is being made available for the first time by BSI. It comes a year after the launch of BSI’s landmark guidance on the topic and is designed to help accelerate progress to a fair and more equitable workplace culture, benefiting employees, employers and wider society alike.

    The menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace awareness training course (BS 30416:2023) provides a framework for organizations to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace for all employees, regardless of their menstrual or menopausal status.

    In May 2023, BSI published a standard on this topic (BS 30416), setting out practical recommendations for workplace adjustments, such as the appointment of workplace menstruation and menopause advocates. It has already been used by organizations such as Virgin Media and the Welsh Parliament.

    The new workplace training aims to break down the stigma around these natural experiences and create a more understanding, supportive, flexible and inclusive working environment for all employees.

    Delivered through on-demand training available 24/7 to cater to flexible and accessible eLearning, the course covers why providing menopause and menstruation support is important to an organization and the benefits it can bring. It also looks in detail at the measures organizations can put in place to support employees in the workplace, and identifies common misconceptions related to the subject.

    According to recent BSI research, a fifth of women expect to retire before official retirement. The Second Glass Ceiling report revealed that women are leaving the workforce early and not necessarily out of personal preference. One fifth (21%) of women in the UK said health or well-being considerations for the menopause were a barrier to continuing work, and nearly three quarters (72%) wanted more support for women experiencing symptoms. Three in four (74%) said they believed employers have a role in offering women support around issues such as menopause, yet only 4% were are aware of formal policies in their organization to do so.

    Chris Wright, director of the BSI Academy, said: “Organizations have the potential to be a crucial resource and support avenue for employees experiencing menstruation, menstrual health, and menopause. In turn, taking steps to support and retain experienced colleagues can offer benefits to organizations.  

    “Our free training is now available to guide employers as to how best to deliver this support. It aims to empower leaders by increasing their awareness and initiating an open dialogue to eliminate taboos and foster an equitable and inclusive workplace culture at all levels. By creating a safe and supportive environment for all we have the opportunity to cultivate an engaged and productive workforce that brings significant benefits to individuals, organizations, and society as a whole."

    For more information on BS 30416:2023 Menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace Awareness Training Course, please visit, here.

    For more information, or to read the report in full, please visit: Lifting the Second Glass Ceiling

    For more information the menstruation, menstrual health, and menopause in the workplace standard, please visit: BS 30416