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Revised Quality Management System for supply chain organization in the oil and gas sector published by BSI

8 June 2020 

Quality Management System now follows the requirements in ISO 9001:2015

BSI, in its role as the UK National Standards Body, has published BS EN ISO 29001. Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Sector-specific quality management systems. Requirements for product and service supply organizations. The newly revised standard helps supply chain organizations in the oil and gas sector to drive operational improvements and demonstrate that relevant risk-based approaches are taken when implementing quality management systems. 

This international standard supplements ISO 9001:2015 by supplying requirements and guidance that manage the risks associated with the oil and gas sector.

It provides supplementary sector requirements and guidance to:

  • standardize the sector approach to implementing quality and verification requirements
  • manage supply chain risks and opportunities
  • incorporate sector best practices
  • incorporate sector risk management processes
  • provide clarity on sector documented information requirements
  • reflect the requirements and guidance within sector complementary quality, technical and conformity assessment standards and specifications.

It is applicable to all organizations specifying and providing goods and services to the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries.

The standard is available for download here.