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    BSI revises British Standard test method for the fire performance of external cladding systems

    30th April 2020

    BSI, the business improvement company, has revised its test method for the fire performance of external cladding systems (BS 8414).  

    The purpose of the large-scale test method is to provide data that enables the evaluation of the fire performance of the cladding components tested in combination. It does not provide information on how to interpret the data. The standard is split into two parts:

    BS 8414-1 provides a test method for determining the fire performance characteristics of non-loadbearing external cladding systems, rainscreen overcladding systems and external wall insulation systems when fixed to and supported by a masonry substrate and exposed to an external fire under controlled conditions.

    BS 8414-2 provides a test method for determining the fire performance characteristics of non-loadbearing external cladding systems, fixed to and supported by a structural steel frame when exposed to an external fire under controlled conditions.

    The revision was instigated by BSI and the responsible technical committee (FSH/21/– Reaction to fire tests) representing the fire protection, manufacturing and the built environment industries[1]. The committee had remit to review comments and revise the standard where there was consensus to do so.

    This revision process included a 60-day public consultation and has resulted in amendments to Clause 6 and 8 and the expansion of Clause 9 and 10. Section 1 Scope and Section 4 principles have been clarified.

    Further details on BS 8414 Fire performance of external cladding systems can be found here: and here:

    - ENDS -

    Notes to the editor:

    1 Technical committee:

    ABI - Association of British Insurers, Association for Specialist Fire Protection, BRE - Global Limited, British Cables Association, British Plastics Federation, UK Phenolic Foam Association, Warrington Fire, Gypsum Products Development Association, Insulation Manufacturers Association, MIMA - Mineralwool Insulation Manufacturers Association, National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.