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    An outdoor landscape image in Warwickshire of an outdoor building and picnic bench
    • Case Study

    Working Towards Becoming A Net Zero Council By 2030

    How ISO 14001 is helping Warwickshire County Council (WCC) to define a framework for a more sustainable future.


    “ISO 14001 doesn't simply provide a framework for managing the environment, it gives our efforts real credibility.” 

    Stephen Simmons Strategic Environmental Advisor, Warwickshire County Council
    An outdoor building with picnic benches and a marquee in Warwickshire
    The People

    One of the first local authorities in the UK to achieve ISO 14001

    WCC is committed to managing the environment for a more sustainable future. In 2019, it declared a 'climate emergency' and pledged to achieve net zero emissions by 2030, which is underpinned by its Sustainable Futures Strategy.

    The Challenge

    Gaining credibility to drive engagement and change

    Achieving WCC's ambition of a more sustainable future requires effective change management, behaviour changes, accountable governance, adequate resource, the right policies and appropriate engagement.

    Set within the context of a challenging financial environment, it's imperative that change is guided by robust planning and clear reporting. In addition, WCC recently realigned its council areas, bringing the services and activities that relate to built and natural resources, and therefore have the greatest environmental impact, largely into two directorates: Communities and Resources. It was important for this to be reflected within the scope of its ISO 14001 certification.

    The Solution

    A framework for managing risk while bringing credibility through independent assessment

    Creating an effective and transparent approach to delivering and reporting meaningful improvements and change.

    WCC has successfully maintained ISO 14001 certification since 2006. In 2024, it was recertified under a revised scope to provide greater focus on the two directorates with greatest environmental impact. The standard provides WCC with a clear framework upon which it can manage and monitor its activities and progress towards net zero emissions. Because WCC's compliance with the requirements of the standard are independently assessed, they are in a better position to build credibility with stakeholders and to deliver the changes required.

    The Benefits

    Swans and ducks in a lake
    • Icon description

      A robust framework for making, implementing and checking plans.

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      Helps ensure environmental risks are identified and controlled.

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      Supports understanding of legal and other compliance requirements.

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      Independent certification gives credibility for stakeholders.

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      Useful for tracking/reporting improvements in environmental performance, including energy and carbon.

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      Opportunity to align environmental management systems to ISO 50001 and ISO 45001.

    Tracking towards net zero

    WCC emissions relating to natural gas, electricity use in buildings and for streetlighting, and fuel for its own vehicle fleet.

    • 63%

      Reduction in emissions between 2014 and 2020.

    • 913 tCO2e

      WCC's carbon footprint shrank by 913 tCO2e from 2019 to 2021 with a boundary expansion.

    “Integrating ISO 14001 with our delivery plan and strategies is an ongoing process, but it gives us the clear framework we need to deliver change.” 

    Stephen Simmons Strategic Environmental Advisor, Warwickshire County Council
    An outdoor landscape image in Warwickshire of an outdoor building on a hill
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