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  • Case Study

Striving to Lead the Way in Sustainability Best Practice

We are continually evolving and growing our sustainability strategy as we work towards becoming sustainability leaders.

Concept of Pharmaceutical Research for Antibiotics, Curing Disease with DNA Enhancing Drugs

Defining priorities and driving excellence

We have committed to achieving net zero in our operations by 2030

We have committed to cutting scope 1 and 2 emissions

Walking the talk

How we use standards and our sustainability commercial solutions to excel.

 Colleagues discussing work at modern office
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    Environmental Mgmt Systems - ISO 14001 & Occupational Health & Safety Mgmt -ISO 45001 certifications.

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    Recommended for Energy Management Standard (ISO 50001) in our Hemel Hempstead lab

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    Adopting our own Net Zero Pathway product, integrating ISO IWA42:2022, PAS 2060, and ISO 14064-1.

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    Formalized reporting by moving from employee-compiled spreadsheets to our Connect Climate platform.

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    Teamed up with Innovation to launch a carbon web app to help our people make smart travel choices.

Esteemed recognition on our sustainability journey

Having been short-listed for awards in 2023 (Reuters Net Zero, World Sustainability, UNSDG, Edie), we are committed to spearheading sustainability via:

  • Practicing what we preach by utilizing standards and our own commercial solutions to improve.

  • Improving our wider environmental performance beyond carbon.

  • Strengthening our partnership and collaborations, particularly on our societal goals.

  • Driving sustainability engagement and awareness further and deeper into our organization.

Coworkers discussing business strategy while walking in the corridor
Contact Us

Put sustainability at the heart of your strategy

Today, the goals of workplace well-being, affordable energy, responsible consumption and sustainable growth are all interconnected. Collaboration, shared experience and continuous improvement are key. Contact us now to be part of something special.