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System Certification - ISO/IEC 27017 Information Security for Cloud Services
System Certification

ISO/IEC 27017 - Information Security for Cloud Services

Proactively helping organizations address cyber-security.

Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) are increasingly recognized as a critical part of managing cyber-risk effectively

Used alongside the ISO/IEC 27001 series of standards, ISO/IEC 27017 provides additional guidance for implementing ISO 27002 information security controls within a cloud computing environment. The standard clarifies roles for both the cloud service provider and cloud service customer, to ensure cloud services are as safe and secure as any other data within a certified information management system.

Protect your organization from cybersecurity threats

Build a strong foundation for trust and confidence with customers, stakeholders and regulators through robust data controls.

man and woman discussing in office
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    Protect your information assets within the cloud computing environment.

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    Comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

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    Reduce the risk of information security incidents.

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    Save costs by reducing the need for duplicate controls.

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