Future of mobility
We are shaping and developing future automotive standards in emerging technologies such as vehicle cyber security, connected and autonomous vehicles and electric vehicle charging points, helping you future-proof your business.
BSOL for automotive professionals
BSOL for automotive professionals
Safety as Standard: Find out how standards support innovation in the automotive sector
What’s a custom collection?
A custom collection allows you to create a library of standards that you need, which means that you’re in complete control of the standards you choose. Decide exactly which standards are most important to you and build your own collection. Purchase a minimum of 25 credits and add standards to your collection as and when you need them.
What’s a pre-built standards module?
We’ve grouped together our standards by subject to give you the complete set of standards on that specific area, rather than choosing them individually. Each pre-built standards module contains thousands of individual standards.
Alternatively, you can subscribe to our pre-built modules and then add a custom collection to pick and choose other essential standards from the wider BSOL library or take the full collection of standards within BSOL.