Verification services

Third party endorsement from industry experts

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If you have self-declared your products, we can review all your technical information including test data, technical files and reports, and issue a verification certificate to you.

You may have completed your own testing because:

  • The need to meet specific regulations or directives, including for CE marking
  • No standard exists in the market place
  • You need evidence that your product has been assessed to a set requirement

Whatever the reason, we can provide third party endorsement.

Why is this useful?

If no standard exists in the market place, or if you are looking to give additional reassurance of the performance of your product, verification gives you peace of mind.

What is the commercial advantage?

Self-declaration endorsed by BSI can offer your customers increased levels of confidence in your products. You can meet the requirements of bids and tenders, where possibly it was more difficult for you to do so, and differentiate your products in the market place. We’ll give you the independent overview that you need, and you’ll be able to use your verification  certificate to support procurement specifications.

It gives you independent confirmation that your product does meet the levels of performance that you as a manufacturer have identified.

Talk to us today about verification.