You could save time getting your products to market by taking our three day Medical Devices CE Marking training course. Our qualified tutors have trained over 70% of the world's top 100 medical device companies and are experts in their field. They will help you to understand the entire CE Marking process in line with the European Medical Devices Directive (MDD).
Become an expert in the regulatory requirements and you could speed up the time it takes to get your products to market.
How will I benefit?
- Benefit from CE Marking expertise within your organisation
- Work without uncertainty when placing products on the EU market
- Gain recognition as a producer of products with CE Marking
- Improve the quality and safety of your medical devices
- Increase EU market access and boost customer confidence
Who should attend?
- Regulatory, quality, design, development, manufacturing, marketing managers
- Virtual manufacturers
- Potential internal auditors and others who need an in-depth knowledge of the requirements of the medical devices directives
- All personnel who need to understand the medical device regulation requirements
What will I learn?
On completion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Explain the European CE Marking approach and its legal and operational basis
- Explain the structure and purpose of the medical devices directive
- Implement the EU risk classification criteria for medical devices
- Identify the conformity assessment routes and quality assurance requirements for the various risk classes
- Describe the role of the essential requirements as the basis for CE Marking, including the use of standards
- Explain the importance and role of clinical data
- List labelling requirements
- Identify the regulatory significance of risk management and process validation
- Identify the necessary steps required for post market surveillance for different risk classes
- Interpret the criteria for reporting adverse incidents under the vigilance system
- Define the manufacturer's regulatory responsibilities, including reporting of changes to products and QMS system to the Notified Body
- Identify technical documentation requirements
- Identify the relevance of recent changes to the medical device directives
- Conduct internal and external audits for compliance with the directives
What's included?
- You will gain 24 CPD points on completing the course
- Training course notes
- Lunch and refreshments
- Certificate
“The course content interspersed with plenty of practical group work was very well constructed.” -Steve Russell, FFEI Ltd.