Become a Lead Auditor
Gain the confidence to effectively audit a BCMS in accordance with internationally recognized best practice techniques.
Plan for the unexpected with ISO 22301 Societal security - Business continuity management systems – Requirements, which superseded BS 25999, the world’s first British standard for Business Continuity Management. Now you can put in place a robust Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) to deal with the most challenging circumstances and succeed under threat.
Any organization in any sector can be impacted by extreme weather conditions, terrorism, IT system failure, staff sickness and many more unplanned incidents, bringing business to a standstill. Work with us to safeguard your employees and reputation, minimize disruption and maximize recovery time with ISO 22301.
Compliance with ISO 22301 will set you up with a practical plan to lessen the adverse effects of most eventualities. We can guide you through a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) to identify critical areas of your operation – giving stakeholders confidence that you are proactively protecting your business.
Our range of courses covers every aspect of business continuity and is delivered on site or through a public program and our tutors cater to everyone from new starters to experienced auditors.