Medical Devices training courses

Medical Devices training courses

Our medical devices courses allow you to have a detailed look at some of the most important sections of bringing a successful product to market within this highly regulated sector.

Our medical devices courses allow you to have a detailed look at some of the most important sections of bringing a successful product to market within this highly regulated sector.

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medical devices
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Medical device training courses

We understand the challenges of meeting regulatory requirements and maintaining quality management systems. We understand because it's what we do, every day of every week; for you, for your customers, and for your bottom line.

We have dynamic course owners around the world, allowing delivery of training in many local languages. Our course owners are subject matter experts and use practical examples from their experiences to bring each lesson to life.


Our popular courses

Your training journey

By working closely with you and fully understanding your requirements, we can create a training solution that meets the needs of your organization, whether you're training on existing standards, regulatory approval, or business improvement. We’re one of few certification bodies offering diverse medical device training portfolios consisting of specialized training classes.

We offer a comprehensive range of public medical device training courses.

Introductory, Requirements and Implementing courses

ISO 13485:2016 Clause by Clause >

This two-day course has been designed to provide an in depth understanding of ISO 13485:2016. Learn about the various clauses of the standard and understand the implications behind medical devices quality management. Allow our medical devices experts to guide you in unravelling the standard, and bring Medical Devices Quality Management to your organization.


2 days live online or classroom training course

Requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) On-demand Training Course >

This on-demand course will give you an understanding of the key requirements, which will provide:

  • Essential knowledge to understand Regulatory Affairs of medical devices in the EU, e.g. in the position of top management, or a manager or project member in QM/QA, R&D, design, manufacturing, supply chain, customer service and sales


Looking for a tutor-led course with peer-to-peer interaction? This course is also available in a virtual or location-based classroom.


5 hour on-demand training course

Implementation of Medical Device Regulation for CE Marking >

Find out best practice for assembling Technical Documentation and QMS when placing Medical Devices (MD) on the European Union market. The course will also review the requirements of, and relationship between, the legal manufacturer, subcontractors/suppliers, notified bodies (e.g. auditing), and economic operators according to their obligations by MDR.


3 days live online or classroom training course

Implementation of the In-Vitro Diagnostic Device Regulation for CE Marking eLearning >

The IVDR focuses on devices to be safe and effective, emphasizing pre-market requirements, conformity assessment, post-market-surveillance (PMS), and traceability. This course aims to offer guidance on implementation of the requirements stipulated in the IVDR into your business.


10 hour on-demand training course

Awareness of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) eLearning course >

The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is a comprehensive set of European Union (EU) rules that govern the production, sale, and distribution of medical devices. These devices play a crucial role in diagnosing, monitoring, preventing, and treating medical conditions, ensuring they meet the highest standards of safety and performance. This short course will focus on how the MDR prioritizes safety, effectiveness, and the highest standards of public health within the EU.


30 mins on-demand training course

Auditor courses

ISO 13485:2016 Lead Auditor >

This course teaches the key principles and practices of effective quality management system audits in accordance with ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 19011, “Guidelines for auditing management systems”. Experienced instructors guide students through the entire audit process, from managing an audit programme to reporting on audit results.


5 days live online or classroom training course

EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2017/745 – QMS Auditor Training >

This course is designed to give you insights into how Notified Bodies may perform a MDR QMS compliance audit, using the topics of a typical MDR audit agenda as the basis. This will enable you to optimize your auditing skills and knowledge to boost your audit capabilities, gain confidence in planning and performing an effective EU MDR QMS audit, as well as ensuring continued compliance to the EU MDR (2017/245).


3 days public classroom

Risk Management training courses

Effectively manage your medical devices risks with our risk management courses based on ISO 14971.

ISO 14971:2019 Risk Management for Medical Devices: Requirements eLearning >

This course is designed to provide you with an understanding of ISO 14971:2019 and the impact it has on the design, development, manufacturing and lifecycle of medical devices. It will also provide medical device manufacturers with knowledge of how ISO 14971:2019 links with the ISO 13485:2016 standard and the MDR 2017/745. 

Looking for a tutor-led course with peer-to-peer interaction? This course is also available in a virtual or location-based classroom.


4 hour on-demand training course

Specialist training courses

Manufacturing Process Validation for Medical Devices: Introduction to Concepts and Methods >

This one-day intensive course enables greater understanding of the key requirements for manufacturing process validation for medical devices, in line with the European Medical Device Regulations (MDR) and ISO 13485:2016 requirements in Europe. The aim of the course is to enable manufacturers to know what process validation evidence is necessary to demonstrate the manufacturing process is validated.


1 day live online or classroom training course

Clinical Evaluation for Medical Devices >

This one day course is designed to support manufacturers by confirming the information necessary to demonstrate clinical safety and performance of their product in accordance with the requirements of the European Medical Devices Directive. 

On completion of training, manufacturers will be able to determine if a clinical trial is required, prepare a clinical evaluation report including literature review and determine requirements for post-market clinical follow-up and post-market surveillance to support continuing compliance. 


1 day live online or classroom training course

The Obligations for Economic Operators within the Medical Device Regulations (EU MDR 2017/745) On-demand training course >

This short course aims to provide you with the key requirements for economic operators within the Medical Device Regulations (MDR). There is now a lot more emphasis on economic operators and their obligations according to the MDR, we’ll be exploring this to give you a better understanding of what this actually means.


1 hour on-demand training course