This directory is currently in BETA and will replace the three existing BSI directories. If you need to access these directories you can find the links at the bottom of the page.
Validate BSI-issued certificates
Validate BSI-issued certificates
Check company, site and product certificates
Check company, site and product certificates

BSI Certification and Verification directory
Use the BSI Certification and Verification directory to validate a BSI-issued certificates or site verifications, and learn more about certification and verification held by BSI clients.
Look out for the clients that share addition information about their locations which has been verified by BSI. These are listed on a separate ‘verified locations’ tab of the search results. Verified locations provide additional information to help you decide if they are a good supplier for you. This information has been checked by BSI.
If you are looking for a supplier who can provide BSI Kitemarked products, then use the ‘Kitemark advanced products search’ link which can be found below the search bar.
In relation to devices originally certified by another Notified Body under MDD (Council Directive 93/42/EEC) or AIMDD (Council Directive 90/385/EEC), and the appropriate surveillance for which has been transferred to BSI under EU 2023/607, the certification status may be verified by writing to