Standard subscription services

Standard subscription services

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British Standards Online (BSOL)

BSOL is a standard management system built with leading industry knowledge, trusted and used by businesses globally. Access, view and download standards with multiple user access, across multiple sites, facilitating the distribution of the knowledge across your business.

You can subscribe to our pre-built modules or build a personalized standards collection, saving your organization money, reducing risk by enabling access to the latest version of standards with bibliographical data and instilling trust with your clients partnering with BSI.

Compliance Navigator: For Medical Devices

BSI’s Compliance Navigator is the smart, simple way to manage your regulatory information for Medical Device and In Vitro Diagnostic products with UK and EU requirements – helping you to get to market faster and maximize your ROI.

This regulatory tool could help you:

  • Save time with device-specific regulatory profiles;
  • Miss nothing with advance notifications of changes to BS medical device standards; and
  • Find standards fast with a user-friendly interface and intuitive search function.

BSI Membership

BSI Membership makes it easier and more cost-effective to get the most out of standards. Members get 50% off British Standards, free access to a team of information experts, substantial discounts on conferences and subscriptions, plus much more.

Compliance services and software

Our tools can tell you if you’re continuing to meet standards or how much work you need to do to meet the standard for the first time.