Process Improvement Training Courses

Process Improvement Training Courses

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Operating an organization to run successfully and adapt quickly to change is a constant challenge.

Being agile in an increasingly competitive market can enable an organization to cope with economic conditions and market forces.  The drive to business improvement is what our many years of experience tells us is the characteristic of a successful organization.

All of our team are drawn from industry and have hands-on experience in the application of their specialist subjects. If you are looking for continuous business improvement we would be pleased to discuss with you how we can help. 

Process Improvement: Introduction Training Course >

This interactive and activity based one day course will provide you with a basic understanding of what is meant by process improvement and its benefits. You will gain knowledge of different tools and techniques of process improvement, which will provide you with a logical approach to organization problem solving and process improvement.


1 day classroom training course | Now available online

Process Improvement: Auditor Training Course >

This two-day training course is specifically designed to provide you with knowledge and help you develop the necessary skills when auditing process improvement.

The course is built around a comprehensive Case Study which you will audit. This will enable you to apply process improvement auditing to an organization (covering reactive, incremental and stepped change improvements).


2 days classroom training course | Now available online

Process Improvement: Practitioner Training Course >

This interactive and practical three-day course will provide first-hand experience of the approaches and tools necessary for effective process improvement. By developing your knowledge and skill in this important area, you will be able to deploy a process improvement framework that works effectively for your organization.


3 day classroom based training course | Now available online

Effective Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Training Course >

Root cause analysis is one of the most common techniques for getting to the source of an issue, rather than just treating the symptoms. Despite its benefits, it can be difficult to embed effectively.

This training course uses a practical approach to systematically describe the problem, understand the situation, root out and fix the cause, and put steps in place to make sure the problem remains fixed.


2 days in-house training course | Now available online