Prioritizing people: countering workforce attrition

Prioritizing people: countering workforce attrition

An interview with Xavier Alcaraz, National Practice Director, Health and Safety, EH3S Consulting, BSI

An interview with Xavier Alcaraz, National Practice Director, Health and Safety, EH3S Consulting, BSI

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Xavier Alcaraz, National Practice Director, Health and Safety, EH3S Consulting, BSI
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Creating a culture of care will help retain key workers and maximize their potential

Prioritizing people is essential for organizations to attract, retain and get the best from their workforce.

Clearly, COVID-19 has impacted on most businesses. Now, some are facing the challenge of workforce attrition and worker uneasiness as they battle to return their operations to pre-pandemic status. However, solutions are at hand that will not only to address these challenges, but also boost business performance and organizational resilience.

In this, the 6th episode in our series of Prioritizing People Featured Insights, we look at how putting your people first through a culture of care will help you retain their loyalty and get the best from them.

In this interview, Xavier Alcaraz, National Practice Director, Health and Safety, EH3S Consulting, BSI, describes real businesses that have benefitted from their successful creation of health, safety and well-being (HSW) policies that engage all their people.
To find out more about countering workforce attrition, read the full interview here.