Submit your ideas
Submit your ideas
BSI aims to partner with the best innovative minds in the world
BSI aims to partner with the best innovative minds in the world

Submit your ideas to BSI Innovation
BSI aims to partner with the best innovative minds in the world – from smart individuals to ground-breaking companies large or small – to solve the day-to-day and emerging challenges and opportunities.
At BSI we’ve been innovating for decades, from standardizing railways tracks, embedding information security practices to helping the building of smart cities and driving the need for protocols for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV).
We want to make it easy for you to reach out to us and hearing your thoughts on new ideas or partnerships that may fit with BSI – whether they are at early stage or more developed..
Submit your idea
Whether you’re an existing partner or brand new to BSI here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) you may want to consider when making submissions.