Our social media channels | About BSI
Be social with BSI
Stay up to date with BSI’s latest news and information through our social media channels and be the first to know about standards, industry best practice, conferences, training, Kitemark and much more. Plus you can interact with us, join forums, ask questions and share feedback.

Follow BSI Group for general news, information and updates
Our LinkedIn groups are a great place to meet like-minded people.
BSI Standards is our group for those using standards, involved in developing standards or have an interest in standards.
Talking Business Continuity is our group for business continuity professionals.

Head over to Twitter to stay up to date with BSI.
Follow @BSI_AustraliaNz for general news, information and updates.
Like our Facebook page to join our community and you’ll get updates appearing directly in your news feed.
BSI Group is for general news, information and updates about standards.

You can watch interviews with experts, view speakers from our events or even watch videos about our company on our YouTube channels.