STAR Certification gives cloud service providers the ability to prove that their cloud controls have been independently assessed against the STAR certification maturity model. Certified clients appear on the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) STAR Registry.
Led by an experienced tutor, this course will give delegates the tools to conduct an audit for STAR certification including determining a maturity score and effectively using the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM). Delegates will work through a detailed case study and gain practical experience on how to determine a rating for STAR certification.
This Online Course is available in English.
Please note: the price stated is excluding local taxes.
How will I benefit?
- Only a certified STAR auditor can perform 3rd party audits against the CCM to recommend provider STAR Certification
- As a recognized certification body, your organization will be able to conduct STAR audits and award STAR Certification
Who should attend?
ISO/IEC 27001 qualified auditors working for certification bodies accredited by an IAF member to ISO/IEC 27006.
What will I learn?
- Define the criteria for STAR certification
- Describe the CCM and how it relates to ISO/IEC 27001
- Define the specific control areas of the CCM and differentiate between them
- Explain what maturity is and how the STAR certification maturity model works
- Describe what maturity is and how the STAR certification maturity model works
- Demonstrate how to apply the maturity model when auditing a provider’s security controls
- Apply the maturity model when auditing a provider’s security controls
- Calculate a maturity score for each CCM control area
- Derive a provider’s maturity level from the maturity scores
- Recommend STAR certification
What's included?
- Training course notes
- Certificate