Forward collision warning (FCW)

This term is part of the following categories: Safety, Technology, Sensors and Vehicle system


Version: 5.0, Release date: April 2023

Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the vehicle might collide with an object in its path and provides warnings for the human driver to prompt avoiding action.


Previous version:

Version: 3.0, Release date: October 2020

Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the ego vehicle might collide with an object in its path and provides warnings for the human driver to prompt avoiding action.



Previous versions:

Version: 2.0, Release date: June 2020

Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the ego vehicle might collide with an object in its path and provides warnings for the human driver to prompt avoiding action.



Version: 1.0, Release date: January 2020

Definition: Vehicle system that uses sensors and computer processing to detect when the driven vehicle might collide with an object in its path and provides warnings for the human driver to prompt avoiding action.