New international PAS supplies a way to differentiate iron enriched grains and beans
What’s happened and why?
HarvestPlus, a division of the International Food Policy Research Institute, has developed a conventional plant breeding process that crop breeders can use to produce seeds that produce increased iron content grains for food production. To enhance transparency and speed up the widespread adoption of these grains, PAS 234:2021 specifies requirements for testing and defining them.
What does PAS 234:2021 cover?
It specifies requirements for iron-enriched bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) intended as food for human consumption. It includes requirements for:
a) Iron fortification acceptance levels (mg/kg) for the different grades of grain
b) Sampling and test methods used to determine iron levels in the grain
c) Packaging and labelling of the grain
PAS 234:2021 applies only to iron-enriched grain and bean produced from seed developed using breeding technologies or agronomic practices such as fertilization.
Why use PAS 234:2021?
- To clearly verify and differentiate bean and pearl millet grains with increased iron content produced by conventional methods, for the purpose of trade
- To help achieve more transparency and confidence in iron enriched bean and pearl millet grains and thereby accelerate their adoption
- To help improve nutrition in staple crops and resulting foods to enhance population health and wellbeing
- To help ensure a guaranteed supply chain of nutritionally superior grains
- To facilitate monitoring, control, and assurance of supply