Information security is critically important to both you and your interested parties. BSI has developed an on-demand eLearning course that explores in-depth the organizational implications of the International Standard for Information Security Management (ISO/IEC 27001:2022). The course aim is to explain the main requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and its organizational benefits.
On-demand - training that’s even more flexible
If you need to understand the requirements of this management system standard and are confident enough not to need tutor-led training, this online, self-paced course offers you complete flexibility.
You can study in your own time when it suits you, and you can access the course from any internet-enabled device 24/7.
How will I benefit?
You’ll gain an understanding of effective information security management throughout an organization and therefore protection of your information (through integrity, confidentiality and availability) and those of your interested parties.
Who should attend?
Any manager, management representatives of ISO/IEC 27001, IT managers, Systems managers or Information security officers. Those who will be involved in advising top management on the introduction of ISO/IEC 27001 into an organization.
This eLearning course is ideal if you need a refresh or cannot attend one of our tutor-led classroom or virtual training courses.
To benefit from the expertise of a tutor, and interaction with other delegates, choose the virtual online or classroom version of this course.
What will I learn?
You’ll be able to explain:
- what is information security management (ISM)?
- why ISM is important to an organization?
- the benefits of ISM
- the background of ISO/IEC 27001/2
- the key concepts and principles of ISO/IEC 27001:2022
- the terms and definitions used
- the main requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022
What's included?
- This is an online, interactive eLearning course.
- You’ll have access to the course for 12 months.
On completion, you'll be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate
Schulung im Seminarraum: Bereit, wenn Sie es sind.
Wenn Sie wieder bereit für eine Präsenzschulung sind, sind wir bereit, Sie zu empfangen.
Wir möchten Ihnen versichern, dass unser Schulungsteam in Zusammenarbeit mit den Veranstaltungsorten und den Tutoren Vorkehrungen getroffen hat, um Ihre Gesundheit zu schützen. Da wir uns alle auf eine größere Reise- und Veranstaltungsfreiheit einstellen. An unseren sorgfältig ausgewählten Schulungsorten werden weiterhin Verfahren zur sozialen Distanzierung umgesetzt, mit leicht zugänglichen Desinfektionsständern an stark frequentierten Stellen und strengen Reinigungsmaßnahmen. Damit Sie sich während Ihrer Zeit am Schulungsort keine Sorgen machen müssen.
Wenn Sie Fragen zur Buchung einer Präsenzschulung haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns direkt.