"We have to be prepared for the 'unexpected' and it is what we are determined to do."
PB: Why have you started to assess your suppliers remotely?
AR: “Give people food you would give to your own children” (Pietro Barilla). This is the founding principle that still inspires the Barilla mission today, especially in the middle of uncertainty and stormy times. This made our way clear for the entire organization and since the very beginning: no compromise on Quality and Food Safety.
Therefore, we closely cooperated with our suppliers in order to minimize the impact on our surveillance audits plan. We defined a precise audit protocol, based on risk assessment.
We have scrupulously worked with BSI, to convert the activities and make all the involved parties working safely, with all the benefits brought by technology. After a couple of months, I am very satisfied with the quality of the job we have been doing together.
PB: What does the future hold?
AR: This crisis has brought pain and sufferance to people and businesses. We must react and take this unique occasion to learn and change; old ways won’t open new doors.
Border restraints, reductions in workforce, and fewer logistics options will place increasing strain on supply chains. Sourcing and trading patterns are changing – and history shows us that whenever change on this scale occurs, it presents new risks, both from unintentional impacts and malevolent practice. We have to be prepared for the 'unexpected' and it is what we are determined to do.
Barilla has managed to continue to put the safety and quality of food at the heart of their operation, by continuing to invest in their suppliers, strengthening the integrity of their supply chain. BSI has been able to support this activity by partnering with Barilla and its suppliers to conduct remote audits, providing confidence and trust in uncertain times.

Paolo Bersighelli
Business Development Manager
Assurance, Training, Organization Resilience
BSI Group