Are you responsible for managing documented information?
The latest iteration of management systems standards (such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001) are much more flexible about what documents are required. However, this means it can be difficult to decide which documents and records should be kept to conform and comply with the requirements.
The approaches covered are easy-to-implement, cost-effective, and are applicable to a range of management systems standards.
How will I benefit?
This course will help you to:
- Develop or improve your current practices
- Conform to the requirements of documented information
- Apply a practical system that works for your organization
Who should attend?
Anyone involved with the development, maintenance or improvement of a document control process. It’s just as relevant if you’re experienced or new to document control.
What will I learn?
You will have the knowledge to:
- Identify what constitutes a documented information system, and how to manage and control it
- Explain the full cycle of development, approval, distribution, maintenance and disposition of obsolete documented information
You will have the skills to:
- Meet the documented information requirements from various management system standards
- Use the various methodologies for managing a documented information system
What's included?
- Detailed training course notes
- On completion, you'll be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate
Course Guide
Schulung im Seminarraum: Bereit, wenn Sie es sind.
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Wir möchten Ihnen versichern, dass unser Schulungsteam in Zusammenarbeit mit den Veranstaltungsorten und den Tutoren Vorkehrungen getroffen hat, um Ihre Gesundheit zu schützen. Da wir uns alle auf eine größere Reise- und Veranstaltungsfreiheit einstellen. An unseren sorgfältig ausgewählten Schulungsorten werden weiterhin Verfahren zur sozialen Distanzierung umgesetzt, mit leicht zugänglichen Desinfektionsständern an stark frequentierten Stellen und strengen Reinigungsmaßnahmen. Damit Sie sich während Ihrer Zeit am Schulungsort keine Sorgen machen müssen.
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