Maintaining your certification

How to maintain your certification

It is not enough to get successfully certified and then expect your organisation to keep performing at a high level, using smart working practices. You need to focus on making compliance with a standard an ongoing habit – otherwise, you will not experience the long-term benefits that standards bring.

Those benefits are real, but they require a genuine will to keep improving performance.

Certainly, we will carry out annual compliance checks, so you will know then if you have allowed standards to fall – but it is poor practice to rush to improve standards just before your annual check. The hard work of maintaining – and improving – standards needs to become part of your normal ways of working, throughout your organisation.

How can BSI help you make excellence a habit?

  • You can use our compliance software.
  • We can train your new staff to meet your standards.
  • We can give your key staff refresher training to revive their passion for improved performance.
  • You will have access to a full range of guidance documents to cover any queries you have as you move forward.
  • We will send you newsletters to keep you up to date with standards and management systems.
  • You will be able to contact our experts if you need specialist advice – an invaluable resource.

The key is infusing your entire organisation with a determination to perform better as an ongoing habit – part of your core ethos.